Image Store doesn’t work after install

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StoreImage Store doesn’t work after install

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  • #46768


    Definitely like the WP plugin, you’re work on this is a great thing for photogs that use WP.

    The plugin installed great and the dashboard functions properly; however, once I upload my jpgs, they show as thumbnails in the “dashboard gallery” but they do not show when I preview the page or in the “store”.

    I’m using your latest version of the plugin 3.0.5 and WP 3.3.2 and both are fresh installs. I’m also using the basic theme with WP and no other plugins.

    I’m also using MySQL 5.0 and PHP 5.2 and hosted using Linux, surely Apache server but not sure what version.

    The Descriptions of the image shows on the test page as well as the description in the place of the image. When clicked on the image preview window opens but no image appears. Also, the only workable links appear to work are Add to Cart and Add to Favorites …

    Any help is greatly appreciated.



    Also, I tried changes image folders and permissions and that didn’t work either.

    Help ….

    Thanks, Tim


    Could there be a header issue? I’ve tried several different themes and some, not all, give a header error.

    Xpark Media

    check this post, I think it will be useful, is the same problem that you are having

    Thumbnails and lightbox


    I checked my php.ini file and cant’ determine where the turn on read images place is. Here is my ini file:
    Maybe you can help:
    I’m having the same problem, checked php.ini and could not find a read file function. Pasted my php.ini below. Could you point me to the function if you see it and if it’s there?

    register_globals = off
    allow_url_fopen = off

    expose_php = Off
    max_input_time = 60
    variables_order = “EGPCS”
    extension_dir = ./
    upload_tmp_dir = /tmp
    precision = 12
    SMTP =
    url_rewriter.tags = “a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset=”



    easy way to solve this issue is to uninstall and then reinstall image shop . I just had the same issue but only after changing servers. after I did that no problem with images

    Xpark Media


    did you check all your permissions too?


    Yes, I checked all permissions to files and folders as described in the link you gave me to Thumbnails and lightbox above.

    Changing servers may solve the issue but I have already spent a lot of time and am hosting several domains on one server. That would be a major undertaking unless my hosts could mirror all over to another server.

    maybe I’ll try reinstalling … will let you know.


    After uninstalling and deleting files, then reinstalling, Image Store doesn’t create pages nor does the store even show links to images, much less images – only within dashboard.
    I’ve giving up on image store … it’s a novel concept, especially for those who use wordpress because there’s not many other options.
    I’m not a programer but a photographer, hence the need for image store. But I’ve spent many hours trying to configure it, checking file permissions, changing folders on my server …. but to no avail.
    Please let me know when the plugin is more suitable.

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