Logout on Secure Images pages?

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StoreLogout on Secure Images pages?

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    I might be being a bit thick here, but is there a way to get a “Logout” button somewhere on the Secure Images pages? Either as a shortcode in the page, as a widget, or just some PHP I can add, anything really.


    Xpark Media


    If you are password protecting your galleries and a user logs in, a “Exit Gallery” link should display along with the Photos, Price List, Shopping Cart link.

    Other 2 options to add a log out link is just adding “logout” at the end of the gallery url ex: http://domain.com/galley-name/logout.

    If you are using the “Cart” page created by the plugin you can also use the cart url ex: http://domain.com/cart-url/logout.

    Al links above assumes that you are using permalinks and you have an english language web site.


    Hi, I am still having issues.

    To make things easier, I have done a completely fresh install of WordPress using TwentyTwelve theme, and installed the Image Store plugin.

    I am using the plugin for a “Client Area” so customers can see a private area and purchase photogrpahs. So, I have changed the name and slug of the Secure Images page to “Client Area”. I have set the “Secure Galleries Page” option in the Galleries tab to my Client Area page, and changed the Gallery URL base to “secureclientarea”.

    I then created a Customer, and then created a new gallery. I set the ID to “thing” and the password to “thingy”, then assigned the gallery to the user I created and added some photos.

    When I go to the Client Area (Secure Images) page, I login using the ID and password, and can see the gallery. However, there is no “Exit Gallery” link with the Photos, Price List and Shopping Cart links.

    You can see my testing area at http://www.oneboot.com
    Hit Client Area, and use ID: thing, password: thingy

    Am I using the plugin incorrectly?



    I’ve just figured it out. You have to be logged out of WordPress Admin to see the link. I wish somebody had mentioned that, it would have saved me about 6 hours messing about.

    Xpark Media


    if the user is logged in using any WordPress account the exit gallery link will not show since the permissions are controlled by their role to exit they will need to log out also.

    Administrators will not see the exit links since they have access to all galleries.

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