Xpark Media

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  • in reply to: Shopping Cart Layout & Problems with "add to cart" button #48984
    Xpark Media

    if you provide a link to your site I might be able to post a few css fixes for you site.

    If you need professional help you can email me to [email protected] and provide a list of issues and I can send you a quote.

    Another option is to change the theme that you are using for the site.

    in reply to: Image store pages #48983
    Xpark Media

    I will be using this post to answer your question and I am changing the status of this post to duplicated Image Store pages

    in reply to: Album page #48980
    Xpark Media

    There are 4 settings that can help you setup the image count on your site.

    Under the “general” tab you can set the template and count for the galleries, test a few templates from the dropdown menu to see wich works better on your site.

    To control the number of images in a galleries and the template look under the “gallery” tab.

    Remember that you can not use the shorcode you need to use the standar links.

    Could you please provide a link to your site?

    in reply to: Images not showing up in 3.1 #48979
    Xpark Media

    @128kAJ you said that the images don’t show on the admin area right? looks like the images are not being saved on the right directory. Were you able to look at your server log for error?

    Could provide me admin access to your site? [email protected]

    in reply to: Full Image Download #48978
    Xpark Media

    There was a small bug, I fix it on your site and it will be available on the next release than you for all your help and for supporting the plugin

    in reply to: Text Color??? #54354
    Xpark Media

    Can you provide a link to your site? I might be able to provide css fixes for your font and background.

    I don’t know of any good tutorial, you will need to learn css

    in reply to: Text Color??? #54427
    Xpark Media

    Can you provide a link to your site? I might be able to provide css fixes for your font and background.

    I don’t know of any good tutorial, you will need to learn css

    in reply to: Text Color??? #48976
    Xpark Media

    Can you provide a link to your site? I might be able to provide css fixes for your font and background.

    I don’t know of any good tutorial, you will need to learn css

    in reply to: No data for Most Commented and Most Viewed? #48956
    Xpark Media

    did you changed the prefix on the database some settings on the options will use the database prefix, really nothing should have changed

    in reply to: Shopping Cart Layout & Problems with "add to cart" button #48952
    Xpark Media

    if there is layout (css) issues they need to be fix using your theme, I provide a general style that should work with most themes. but is hard to predict every single layout.

    if you want to set up your on styles, disable the styles under settings > general and uncheck “Use CSS”.

    Fixes to themes should be applied in a child theme in the style.css file to avoid problems updating the plugin and the theme.

    in reply to: Images not showing up in 3.1 #48951
    Xpark Media

    @rtb1982 I found the link to your site but I couldn’t find a gallery can you provide a link to one of your test galleries, and the password if it is protected.

    in reply to: Images not showing up in 3.1 #48949
    Xpark Media

    @128kAJ can you send me a link to your site to look at? allow_url_fopen is a server setting you need access to the php.ini file.

    some servers will allow you to activate it suing php, but 3.1.1 your have resolve the issue. clear your server and browser cache and update your permalink structure

    Other thing to notice, the new image store versions rely on javascript to display the images for security purposes. if you have a javascript error on your page it may break the display.

    in reply to: Amount of galleries limited #48946
    Xpark Media

    This is a duplicated topic Image store pages

    in reply to: Album page #48943
    Xpark Media


    this topic was address before on other topics. let me explain how the albums work, the albums are taxonomies just like categories or tags.

    By default the album pages will display using the taxonomy.php template on your theme. if you don’t have this template in your theme you need to create it or change theme.

    You can also use the template provided by Image store inside the “theme” folder use the “taxonomy-ims_album.php” file to set up the albums.

    If you need professional help, I can help you set up the plugin in your site sent your issues and requirement to [email protected] for a quote.

    I hope this helps.

    Understanding albums
    Gallery template

    in reply to: Image store pages #48940
    Xpark Media

    If you are using the short code to display the galleries you need to set the “count” to display more galleries and the title issue have been fixed on 3.1.1.

    If you are using the taxonomy template (and you should) you can control the number of galleries in the setting > general.

    activating and deactivating the plugin will do remove previous you need to go to reset > uninstall to fully remove the plugin and installing the plugin will recreate all the pages for you “secure images”, “image store” and “cart”.

    You can use any page also to replace the ones mentioned above by using the dynamic shortcode

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