Xpark Media

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  • in reply to: Change "unit" description #45670
    Xpark Media

    are you looking to translate the plugin? or just change the labels.

    The download option is only available to the user if you add them your image list. just create a new list and don’t check the download option.

    if you wan to change the labels you will need to create you own plugin to modify the labels or hack the plugin.

    in reply to: Galleries in sidebar #45668
    Xpark Media

    There is a widget feature with the plugin but you need to activated. go to settings > general check widget and save.

    Once activated you will see a Image Store widget available

    in reply to: Display a single image #45665
    Xpark Media

    you can use the shortcode to display just the first image

    [[ims-gallery id=GALLERYID number=1]]

    in reply to: bad download link #45663
    Xpark Media

    there is a slash “/” missing between amdin and download.php, I need to check if this is a problem with the plugin or just configuration. I will post results as soon as I can

    in reply to: Customize Font Separately from Main Page Body #45590
    Xpark Media

    I not sure what you want to do here, do you want to apply a different font style to the widget without overwriting themes default font?

    Can you explain a bit more or provide a link to a example

    in reply to: image link and slideshow size #45548
    Xpark Media

    can you provide a link to your site? and what version of PHP are you running.
    It sound like a rendering issue on your server.

    Currently there is no way you can change the image display from thumbnail to full image using settings. If you want to change it you will have to create a custom plugin to overwrite the display.

    in reply to: Usage of customer #45545
    Xpark Media

    Under permission you will see al user and all roles except “customers”, mainly because you might not want your customers to edit or mange or download all of your images.

    If you want to give permissions to photographers you can create a role “photographers” and they will show up on the permissions page.

    If not just create a user and assign it any other role than “customer”

    in reply to: Really am Doff.. Need help with setup #45543
    Xpark Media

    All you have to do is under the ImStore menu is create a gallery “add new”
    is going to show you all the options for the gallery.

    To upload images look for the box title “Import Images”. There are 3 options to upload images, the first will allow you to select images from your computer.

    The images as they upload will display just below. Once you have your images loaded add a title to your gallery and click on publish — blue button on the right-hand side — once publish you can click on the view gallery.

    in reply to: How to change the order of galleries in an album? #45539
    Xpark Media

    Currently the only way to sort the albums is creating a custom template, the galleries do have and order option but is not fully functional.

    I started to working on it, but I release the version without the functionality.

    You can use the custom template located inside the plugin in image-store/theme/taxonomy-ims_album.php you will need to change the query sort order

    in reply to: problem with shopping cart headings #45537
    Xpark Media

    The second row is not missing an image is just not aligned correctly add this at the end of your styles.css file.

    div.ims-gallery .ims-img{ margin: 0 0 0 -1px; }

    I am using the standard twentyeleven theme with a lot of modifications and custom css.

    in reply to: from album to slideshow #45534
    Xpark Media

    try this, add this code to your functions.php file. It will force every link going to photos to go to the slideshow. Note this code will only work if you are not translating the plugin.

    function change_link_to_slideshow($link, $page ){
    if( $page == 'photos' && is_tax('ims_album') )
    $link = dirname( $link ) . '/slideshow';
    return $link;
    add_filter('ims_permalink', 'change_link_to_slideshow', 10, 2);
    in reply to: I want to have Most Viewed First #45530
    Xpark Media

    Currently this is not a feature in the widget you will have to modify the plugin. All you have to do is move code up and down.

    Look for the following code

    if( empty( $noviewed )) {
    $output .= '<ul id="pop-widget-viewed-'.$this->number.'">'; 
    $output .= $this->functions->get_most_viewed( $instance ); 
    $output .= '</ul>'; 

    and move it above this line

    //most comments

    That is it.

    in reply to: Make title and content box appear as one unit #45528
    Xpark Media

    This is a bug on the plug, you will have to edit the plugin. I will apply the fix on the next release.

    just move this code in line 119 and 120

    if( isset( $title ) )
    echo $before_title. $title . $after_title . "\n";

    just after line 123 so that the code looks like this

    $output  = $before_widget."\n";
    if( isset( $title ) ) echo $before_title. $title . $after_title . "\n";
    in reply to: from album to slideshow #45429
    Xpark Media

    if you are using the shortcode layout=slideshow could work but if you are using the regular gallery pages disable the photo “link” in settings > general “Hide “Photo” link”. This will fort the galleries to go to the slideshow but prevent access to the photo link completely

    in reply to: Cannot view albums in WP 3.3.1 #45427
    Xpark Media

    this is something that was changed on WP 3.3.1 I think, try this go to settings > gallery > general and check “Searchable Galleries”

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