Xpark Media

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  • in reply to: Gallery settings, default price list #45426
    Xpark Media

    yes, this is bug. one thing to notice even though you the list doesn’t reflect on the back end check the front end that list is assign to the gallery

    in reply to: Pricing list #45424
    Xpark Media

    This is a bug only on the default price list, you can add a new list and add more sizes and packages with no problem.

    I will fix this issue on the next release, I will take a week or 2

    in reply to: search images #45421
    Xpark Media

    that functionality is not available, you need custom development to accomplish it

    in reply to: Download and Send receipt Email to Customer Not Working #45418
    Xpark Media

    I just ran a quick test and everything looks fine, I will double check anyway.

    Few thinks to check, this plugin is set to sell shippable and digital products. To allow the users to download the images you need to create downloadable image sizes in your price list.

    Set your sizes to px(pixes) and once you drag them to the price list check the checkbox next to the size name to make the size downlaodable.

    if you are messing the file extension, check your files make sure that they also have file extensions.

    To send email receipt make sure that you have the “Email receipt” checked in the settings > checkout, and remember that it will be email to the customer’s email saved paypal.

    in reply to: problem with shopping cart headings #45414
    Xpark Media


    the issue could be a confict with your themes styles and the plugin I try to look at your site but I keep getting cloud flare “no cache available” page.

    in reply to: url login #45409
    Xpark Media

    to create a single entry point for all your gallerie create a page and add the following code in the content.

    [image-store secure=1]

    Also make sure that you set your “secure galleries page” in settings > gallery

    View this example Secure galleries

    If you want to do this the user needs to enter gallery id and password if not the script will never be able to know what gallery you want to access.

    in reply to: What template do you use for the gallery? #45407
    Xpark Media

    The plugin follows the WordPress template structure . if you have the single.php file the gallery will use this template if you want to customize it use “single-ims_gallery.php”

    other posts
    Full width for galleries

    in reply to: Multimple shipping price options #45398
    Xpark Media


    Sorry currently there is no shipping band setting on the plugin, you can only add a flat shipping rate for local and international shipping. This is custom development work.

    I could add this feature to the plugin latter on but it will not be any time soon.

    in reply to: Additional price lists missing #45395
    Xpark Media

    The list don’t work that way, currently only one list can be assign to each gallery and you doing under the create/edit gallery screen under the gallery information metabox.

    You will see a drop-down menu with all your list so you can assign one to the gallery.

    in reply to: An important bug! #45394
    Xpark Media

    You are right, again will fix this issue on the next release, and it make take a few weeks

    in reply to: Lightbox not working #45388
    Xpark Media

    correction the Image Store plugin has suppor for the jQuery Colorbox

    in reply to: Secure galleries which show a thumbnail #45386
    Xpark Media

    also if you are having problem displaying your galleries in our albums/taxonomy enable the “Searchable Galleries” in settings > general

    in reply to: Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context #45383
    Xpark Media


    I think this is an error on your WordPress installation, your theme or perhaps other plugin.

    in reply to: Problem Processing PayPal Cart #45382
    Xpark Media

    issue has been fixed on version 3.0.2

    in reply to: Codestyle Localization warnings to author #45381
    Xpark Media

    localization function has been changed on version 3.0.2 with backwards compatibilty

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