Xpark Media

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  • in reply to: Secure galleries which show a thumbnail #44650
    Xpark Media

    you can do this by setting up a album with all your secure galleries when the user click on the gallery they will be ask for the password only

    in reply to: Gallery won’t show #44638
    Xpark Media

    Camaro, good to know that you were able to solve your problem

    in reply to: Widget doesn´t work #44633
    Xpark Media

    did you had a chance to look at the FAQ page? can you provide a link to you page. it sounds like you have styles and javascript issues with your theme.

    in reply to: Can’t upload images within Galleries Image Store #44632
    Xpark Media

    a login to your backend will be great, please send the information to [email protected], One question do you hace any problems uploading images in the WordPress media library?

    in reply to: Problems with v3 #44615
    Xpark Media

    It would be possible to show in the edit gallery page the Custom fields and all the other option for a post?
    yes, you can edit the custom post type, or use other plugins to modify the post type

    your menu problem is a style issues also. give me a few days to take a look at the styles.

    if you want to donate you to the plugin there are a few places where you can find the link. The plugin settings page, in the footer of this website or the right-hand side of the plugin in wordpress http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/image-store/

    in reply to: The problem with filtering categories #44614
    Xpark Media

    I will look into it, if you made modifications to the query please send me the changes so I can include it on future releases

    in reply to: Gallery won’t show #44602
    Xpark Media

    I think these are theme issues, have you guys have tested the default theme?

    Be sure to set your gallery theme under settings > gallery > theme and that the theme you are using has the “the_content()” function within the loop.

    in reply to: Problems with v3 #44601
    Xpark Media

    did you set up your gallery template in the settings > gallery> template?

    if you are using a default template you have to rename your template to single-ims_gallery.php and be sure that it using the “the_content()” function within the loop.

    Do you have the same problems with the default theme?

    in reply to: Gallery won’t show #44573
    Xpark Media
    in reply to: Problems with v3 #44572
    Xpark Media

    Thanks jm,

    I will be releasing a in few dasy fixes for 3.0.0 including the lightbox issue.

    in reply to: Paypal IPN update #44571
    Xpark Media

    PayPal IPN works differently, PayPall sends a “Post” request after your transaction to a IPN script on your website, if PayPay can’t get to your server you will never get a notification.

    Also you should not be using or getting “Get” request to get back to the site that is the link that you are getting, the plugin for extra security only accepts post request.

    What is your PayPal service? and from what country and currency are you testing?

    in reply to: where to add: ‘’ #44570
    Xpark Media

    Your permalink structure is under WordPress settings > permalink, just try re-saving the structure to refresh it. If you are using a custom structure post it here so I can test it.

    in reply to: Problems with v3 #44562
    Xpark Media

    if you are using a sort link to display the galleries use [image-store] (with pagination) instead of [ims-gallery id=""] .

    For secure/password-protected galleries use [image-store secure=1] for all public galleries [image-store count=-1] for more on shortcode check out this page http://xparkmedia.com/image-store/usage/

    in reply to: Gallery won’t show #44560
    Xpark Media


    I think the problem is your theme, does you theme have a single.php or check settings > gallery > Gallery template to see what file your using to display your galleries.

    The template that you chose to display your galleries must have the the_content() function, try using your page.php or also you can add a custom template as a default “single-ims_gallery.php”

    in reply to: Gallery won’t show #54346
    Xpark Media


    I think the problem is your theme, does you theme have a single.php or check settings > gallery > Gallery template to see what file your using to display your galleries.

    The template that you chose to display your galleries must have the the_content() function, try using your page.php or also you can add a custom template as a default “single-ims_gallery.php”

Viewing 15 posts - 1,516 through 1,530 (of 1,644 total)